DISCONNECT the machine from ALL networks - including wireless (but don't turn it off unless the next paragraph does not apply). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONNECT IT TO ANY NETWORK until the virus has been removed and we have accepted the method of removal as safe (you risk having your account closed). If this machine has been used to access ANY private data (student ID's, SSAN's, credit card numbers, Private Business information) - you MUST contact abuse@umn.edu for further direction (do not do anything with the computer nor try to fix/remove the virus - do not turn it off). See: http://www.policy.umn.edu/groups/ppd/documents/policy/SecurityBreach_pol.cfm http://www.policy.umn.edu/Policies/Operations/Compliance/INTERNALACCESS_APPB.html Your access will be disabled and not be re-activated until you can assure us that the virus infection has been removed (we need details of how this was accomplished) - or you will guarantee that the particular machine will not be connected until WE say it is ok to do so. If the machine has an assigned port - that port will be disabled. We highly recommend the machine be WIPED and re-installed. See: http://www.oit.umn.edu/safe-computing/personal-computer/infected-computers/ You should also browse through the links here: http://www.enet.umn.edu/docs/Security/